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air brake artinya

contoh kalimat "air brake"
  • George Westinghouse had previously founded the Westinghouse Air Brake Company.
    George Westinghouse sebelumnya mendirikan Westinghouse Air Brake Company.
  • An air brake pipe connects to each car and locomotive on the train.
    Di sisi barat stasiun terdapat kompleks dipo lokomotif dan kereta.
  • Brake Service Brake With dual-circuit compressed air brake
    Rem Rem Servis Dengan rem udara terkompresi dual-sirkuit
  • - flap, rudder, air brake and radar defect
    - flap, kemudi, rem udara, dan cacat radar
  • Air brake valve for vacuum cleaner Contact Now
    Filter Bag Cage untuk Vacuum Cleaner Hubungi sekarang
  • Air brake is optional for road transport.
    Rem udara adalah opsional untuk transportasi jalan.
  • Brake system Service brake and boosting type Air brake
    Sistem rem Rem servis dan tipe boosting Rem angin
  • Air brake, hydraulic brake and dynamic effects electric chair.
    Rem udara, rem hidrolik dan efek dinamis kursi listrik.
  • Brake system Service brake Dual circuit compressed air brake
    Sistem rem Rem servis Sirkuit rem udara dikompresi ganda
  • Service brake Dual circuit compressed air brake
    Rem servis Rem udara terkompresi sirkuit ganda
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